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Trouble sleeping? Here’s what you can do...

You ever wanted to fall asleep because you’re extremely tired but for some reason you just can’t seem to get your eyes to close? We hear ya! Not only is it extremely frustrating but trying to fall asleep under pressure is even worse. Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to maintaining your overall health and mental well-being.

As they say, eight hours of sleep allows your body to recharge and prepare you to take on a new day. But if you find yourself struggling to sleep at night, we’re here to provide some tips that can help.

  1. Avoid overstimulation

If you’re heading to bed, you might want to avoid eating, working, or looking at a screen – TV, computer or phone. What may be helpful, and has helped many people is to read a book whilst in bed or enjoy a relaxing playlist to give your mind a bit of a breather.

  1. Considered meditating?

In order to allow yourself to fall asleep, your mind needs to be clear of any distractions. This will help your body and mind to relax and thereafter transition into an easy sleep.

  1. Evening routine

When you’re getting ready for bed, try developing a ‘go-to’bed’ routine. This could be taking a walk after dinner or a relaxing bath/shower. If you do this every day, your body will begin to programme itself and it will know what the next step is.

  1. Clear your mind

It’s important to wrap up your thoughts for the day before getting into bed. One way to do this is to plan for tomorrow earlier on in the day. Planning out your next day well before it’s time to sleep can help you end the day sooner than later.

And on that note, we hope you have a good sleep tonight!

Disclaimer: These tips may not help everyone as a lack of sleep may also indicate a variety of sleep disorders or other health concerns that need to be discussed with a medical professional. A few conditions that may prevent you from sleeping include: chronic pain, acid reflux, diabetes, sleep apnea, depression, sleepwalking and/or night terrors.

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