What are the 5 stages of burnout?

Juggling a life split between work, home expectations and still dealing with relaxed Covid-19 restrictions, many South Africans are becoming mentally and physically exhausted with their daily lives. This prolonged period of tiredness known as burnout is not just a way you feel, it’s an actual syndrome that affects many individuals across the country.

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Tips on Social Media etiquette

Social media has become one of our best friends in the past year. Since we’ve been sitting at home, with rarely any contact with others, social media has kept us in contact with friends and family, and the rest of the world. Most of us use sites like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter several times a day, and it’s become second nature that we may not even realise the do’s and don’ts of social media etiquette.

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The skills you need to become a successful leader

If you are currently thinking about running for a leadership position within your class, university or workplace, it’s important to focus on leadership as a journey or learning experience, and not a set of goals. The foundation of successful leadership is a set of skills. You may have earned a leadership position through a combination of knowledge, confidence and hard work, but once earned, you will need a new set of skills to allow yourself to become a successful leader.

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