Voices Unite is a large-scale digital survey platform for the youth to share their views and perceptions on key issues and experiences. It is a youth-driven movement to better inform decision making at corporate, education provider, NPO and government levels.
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Here is what some people have to say about Voices Unite…
Voices Unite can help shape young people to be leaders that will make great decisions for a better tomorrow.

PartnerTo me, the Voices Unite Movement means activism, a platform to break the silence and make a difference simply by speaking your mind. I am excited for the activation of the radical imagination that is Voices Unite.

Nathan Edward Swartz
Student AmbassadorVoices Unite has the potential to provide meaningful insights into the youth of South Africa across a broad range of topics.

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation
PartnerThe Voices Unite initiative and platform means empowerment and change within the university youth sector. I have waited for this change to happen for so long, which is why I’m excited about this initiative.

Erin Goodman
Student AmbassadorVoices Unite will be a platform to unify and amplify the voices of the country’s youth – their views, ideas, and dynamism.

Kagiso Trust
PartnerThis platform is going to ensure that our leaders make informed decisions about our future. I am excited because it is going to lead to change.

Natasha Tsatsi
Student AmbassadorVoices Unite will provide a platform for young people to engage, to participate, have their voices heard, and develop solutions for change.

Restless Development
PartnerI’m excited about the initiative because it promises an opportunity of being heard. After being heard, the platform and influence built through Voices Unite promises to allow for the change a young, black, opinionated, determined and educated girl like myself yearns for.

Siphesihle Tlisane
Student ambassadorWe believe that Voices Unite will provide critical insight into issues affecting youth and will hopefully inform innovative ways to address them.

SAB Foundation
PartnerVoices Unite means a unified impact by the youth. An initiative I believe it will go down in history as one Africa's change makers.

Gig Mensah
Student AmbassadorWe believe the project will create important insights for policy makers and institutions in our country.

PartnerVoices unite means having a voice, a platform to engage with different people from all over Africa as a whole, working together uniting our voices into having a powerful voice and having a say in the future of this country.

Koketso Ditshego
Student AmbassadorVoices Unite is an opportunity to share opinions and engage with other students to better understand the issues that affect the youth. I'm excited about Voices Unite because it will be a revolutionary platform in which I and many others will be able to express our views and perceptions.

Alfredo Gomes
Student AmbassadorLatest news from Voices Unite
Fun activities to do this Spring
Spring has sprung, Voices. We’ve been a bit quiet over the past few weeks but we’re ready to spring back into action – get it? ‘Spring’ into action. Anyway… Now that it’s the start of a new month with the chilly season slowly but surely saying goodbye, we thought it would be a great opportunity to share ways in which you can spend this Spring by doing some fun and budget-friendly activities.
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