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Three lessons from Nelson Mandela

How does one measure a life well lived? Is it by how many Instagram followers one gained or perhaps the amount of wealth one managed to acquire? Nelson Mandela is celebrated in the world for his character and leadership. Perhaps we can start with the legacy of good character and leadership? What kind of character would you like to leave for those left to imitate?

While we might not be able to gather and do good in remembrance of Mandela. We certainly can make a difference in our lives and that of others by remembering these top three lessons and applying them in our lives.

  1. Forgiveness

Forgiveness has a transformative power over our lives and its effects can last for generations to come. To some, it may sound like a repetitive nursery rhyme but to our nation, it remains the foundation of our democracy. Let us look within for parts that need our forgiving and then continue to look at how we may extend this to the rest of the world.

  1. The power of a nation lies in the hands of its people

With his famous “the power is in your hands” line, uTata emphasised just how each and every one has an important role to play in life to effect change. It doesn’t matter where you are or how much you have; what matters is what you can do with what you have to effect positive change. As you step into the world and the voice inside starts to complain, it might be helpful to ask, what can I do?

  1. Get back up again!

Madiba is quoted saying, “do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell and got back up again”. While his failures go undocumented, perhaps because of how insignificant they are to his successes, they remind us that in the end, no one is remembered by how much they fail should they continue to stand and use these failures as lessons. Fail but continue to fix your eyes on your prize.

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