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There is always a way

By Falatsi Andrew Khomo, 20, Free State

“Every decision you make today will have a lasting influence on how you will live your life in the future,” Mother said.

It was in my early childhood when my Mother told me this bold statement. I have always thought it is normal to forget some of the things our parents told us, especially when we were young. However, it seems I could have been wrong. Hence, I still remember almost all she had said. Ha-ha, I doubt she would believe me had I told her that.

Here is what you will love.

I have always been aware of my aspirations from my early childhood. Perhaps this worked in my favour as I could suddenly start working towards my goals. I guess you would agree with me that this is not common amongst us. Frankly, a career is a life-long journey, and although many factors affect one’s career choices, finding yourself not engaging well in a workplace because of uncertain job decisions is surely a nightmare. I, somehow, believed I could do most of the things. I just had to do them. And if I did, it was the best I could do.

After some time of being enrolled in varsity and continuing with my studies, my early held beliefs about my ability to do most of the things caught up with me. This marked the beginning of chaos. Questions of whether this is a wrong career emerged and fear began to fall upon my future. Could it be that these doubts were worth my attention? Nothing could be further from the truth. This was a battle between my passions. What a bad timing of its appearance.

I grew up listening to the radio a lot. So, as you could guess, part of me wanted to be in the broadcast media industry. If you had a chance to open my first computer, you would literally find many audios with my voice broadcastings in my ideal radio show. On the other hand, I have always been a curious one about the Universe.

One day, coming from the supermarket with my late uncle, I asked, “Our teacher said that Earth is just moving through space with nothing holding it. What if it falls?” Obviously, this was after a very intriguing lesson at school.

“We’re going to turn into flies.” Uncle said.

I did not get the joke at the time. However, believe you me, I burst out into laughter when I think of this now. And I miss him a lot.

So, the point here is that these two aspirations were now bursting the bubble. I could, at some point, not take it anymore. Anyway, there is always a way. Without giving up, things always work for our good.

I am continuing my degree studies in Astronomy and Astrophysics and volunteer to host a talk show about the mysteries of the Universe in an online radio station. I get to speak about what I am studying. And so far, I have received good feedback. So, I was able to find a way to intertwine my passions. Imagine what could have happened if I broke down. Not only would I have missed a lot of interesting things about my future. But those who enjoy listening and learning about the secrets of the Universe could have missed that too. It is with my sincere hopes that things will work out for the better from now onwards.

Lastly, the story is not anything special but highlights some challenges that the youth constantly face. Should anyone find themselves confused between their passions? Maybe not really know which career path to take? Or think that they have wasted time studying something they are not passionate about? There is always a way. 

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4 responses on this

  1. Vicky Enslin December 5, 2020 12:09 pm

    Love how you have combined your passion for a lasting influence. It is always enjoyable and interesting to listen to you share your knowledge and passion in a way that is understandable. Beautifully written.

  2. Andrew December 5, 2020 10:31 pm

    So, beautiful…
    Deeply appreciated

  3. Lusanda December 5, 2020 2:50 pm

    Oh my gosh, I love this

  4. Andrew December 5, 2020 12:22 pm

    Thank you, Lusanda! 🙂


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