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Surviving January!

There’s nothing like hitting the reset button on your time, day or life, and that’s what makes January the perfect month. It may seem like a long, painful month with getting back into the swing of things, while the bills for the new year start piling up, but it’s a great opportunity to adopt a habit or change your routine. So, in order to make the best of the month, here are a few things you can do to turn Janu-worry into a great start for 2022!

  1. Clean up!

It’s a perfect time to clean out the things you don’t use anymore. From books to trinkets to items of clothing to – you get the point. If you haven’t used anything in the last 3 years, you should think about donating it to someone less fortunate. Another ideal thing to do is clean out your fridge. Get rid of whatever’s been sitting at the back of your fridge that you may have kept as leftovers during the festive season.

  1. Stop doing one thing you don’t enjoy

Over the past 2 years, we have been consumed by social media since we’ve been stuck at home for most of the time. This is just an example, but you can apply it to anything. It may also sound easy but it’s actually really challenging, considering we are programmed to just accept and deal with pain – emotionally or mentally. So, here’s a chance to stop doing something you don’t enjoy. This could be logging on to Facebook or watching the news. Try it out and let us know how you feel.

  1. Try something new

A perfect chance to try something new? Why not?! This could be something small, it doesn’t need to be a very life-changing scenario. For example, try drinking more water every day or try to exercise for 5 minutes a day or read at least 10 pages of a book every day. It’s always good to start out small and build up as you become more comfortable.

  1. Start saving money

Something a lot of us forget to do when the new year starts is to save money. Why not use this opportunity to start saving? Again, start small. A R5 or R10 a week can add up and you’ll be pretty surprised by the end of the year.

  1. Practice self-care

As we move into the third year of the pandemic, practicing self-care and self-love is an absolute must. Honour yourself with a well-deserved break when you need it and vocalise your good thoughts. Be kind and gentle to yourself and don’t fall into the trap of toxic positivity. Embrace all the emotions you’re experiencing and you’ll eventually be able to handle your feelings a lot better.

On that note, here’s to a great new year!

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