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Stand up for yourself!

Do you often find yourself just going ahead with what someone suggests? Do you hate yourself for it even though you wish you could just say no? It happens! Interacting with people is unavoidable, even with social distancing, you’re still engaging with others in your personal, professional and academic groups.

Being a considerate and accommodating person is great, it shows that you respect others and you enjoy seeing them happy but sometimes things may be said and done that make you feel dismissed, devalued and discouraged. This is why we are here to provide a few easy steps to follow in order to be seen, heard and appreciated.

  1. Be vocal!

You have every right to ask for what you want and need. You’re worthy and deserving of these things. Vocalise your wants and needs, don’t expect people to read your mind. If there’s something that’s important to you and someone else downplays it, be firm with your thoughts and opinions.

  1. Don’t settle for less

From young we are taught that we need to be okay with less than what we want or need instead of asking for more. If there’s something you really need, get it. Don’t settle for less. The decision to settle for something that is not up to your standard can create unnecessary emotions and resentment.

  1. Tolerating = Settling

You always have a choice to accept or tolerate what enters your life. Settling looks a lot like tolerating. When something does not align with your values or beliefs, let it go. Tolerating something that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable can lead to misery which is not good for your mental health.

  1. Don’t cut yourself short

Sometimes you may feel like standing up for yourself may be selfish or mean towards others but you need to take a step back and ask yourself when have you stood up for yourself. We usually surround ourselves with outspoken people who always stand up for themselves and we rarely think it’s selfish when they do it, so why should you cut yourself short in order to get along with others?

  1. Love yourself enough to say yes and no

If you have enough self-love, would you continue experiencing disrespect from others? Love yourself enough to be vocal about what you want and what you don’t. At the end of the day you’re all you’ve got and you need to protect your peace as much as possible.

Stand up for yourself, even if your voice trembles!

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2 responses on this

  1. Kamogelo May 19, 2021 8:48 pm

    I`ve started keeping a diary for standing up for myself. I find that I notice the times when I should have said no more, and kick myself for them. I hardly ever notice the times when I said yes. I think it helps keep things balanced. On the time when I should have said no, I just write an apology to myself and sometimes why I said no.

    Though this might work for someone too.

  2. Lusanda Molefe May 19, 2021 11:37 am

    Louder! I think everyone is so focused on being liked by everyone but if everyone likes you then you’re doing something wrong. You need to threaten some spaces by your mere existence, not because you’re a terrible person but because of the energy you exude.


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