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Some general advice from one youth to another

Are you entering your twenties? Are you already in your twenties? Are you leaving your twenties? Worrying about what you should be doing or where you should be going? From one youth to another, don’t worry about it!

From children, we are groomed to do ‘the right thing’. Often, we’re groomed to become something we are not. Pressure, am I right? As the global awakening is happening, many are beginning to see the truth for what it really is, and change is overwhelming when we lack proper guidance, so this is why we have written this post.

Here are 8 things youth need to know…

  1. It is okay to feel lost

We all feel like this at some point in our lives. What am I doing? Where am I going? Why do I feel like this? The reason we feel lost is because some things are happening way too fast for us to catch up with but that’s fine, because every journey is different. You just have to make sure that you are comfortable with your pace and your journey. It’s important to remember that life is not a race or a competition.

  1. The world is not a fairytale anymore

Surprise, surprise! You have started seeing the world for what it really is. It’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows every single day. You’re going to have terrible days; you’re going to bump into terrible people and that’s okay. It all depends on how you handle the situation at hand and how you overcome gloomy days.

  1. People come and go, the right ones always stay

Once you leave school, you may notice that the friends you once had may not be by your side when you’re at university. However, the right ones ALWAYS stick around. As we evolve, we start meeting new people, often forgetting about the old ones and it’s completely okay to let go off those people if they no longer serve you any loyalty, respect or have your best interests at heart.

  1. ‘No’ is a very important word

Once you enter adulthood, there will be numerous people attempting to pull you into different directions. From parents, extended family members, friends, significant others. Saying ‘no’ is important, it doesn’t mean you’re weak, it means you know what’s right for you. Learn to say no with confidence, you’re not letting anyone down if you stay true to yourself.

  1. It’s your life, not theirs

Easier said than acknowledging it, but it’s very important to understand that this is the only life you will ever live. Trust yourself and trust your instincts. Everyone will have an opinion about your life but how you feel is what matters the most.

  1. It’s okay to fail

Making mistakes or failing does not mean that it’s the end of the road, these are minor bumps in the journey. There are no failures, only stepping stones to assist you in becoming a better version of yourself.

  1. Life would be pretty boring if you figured it all out

When you don’t know what is going to happen, it turns out to be pretty exciting. Sometimes you have to let go of worrying about the future. Concentrate on living in the moment. Trust me, life will be more fulfilling.

  1. Where you are right now does not define where you’ll always be

Do not let problems, struggles, challenges and mistakes define you. This is just a phase in your life that you will overcome. Keep pushing forward and keep in mind that you can have pleasant experiences by learning certain lessons.

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1 response on this

  1. Boitshepo Gopane April 20, 2020 9:06 pm

    Nice piece indeed.


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