The corridors of our time

Finally, I have decided to listen to the voice that has been whispering in wrath, demanding my presence to the world. The voice told me that it has gotten impatient with my hiding. Apparently, it has sent people to talk sense to me. All I can remember is my elders repeating the same words in different tones and styles.

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Overcoming challenges

We have to understand that challenges will come, challenges that are way beyond our control but that doesn’t mean that we have to change routes whenever we encounter a problem. We just have to be able to make the necessary adjustments and be patient. In 2018, I got admitted to the University of Johannesburg (Apk),

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Start learning today

AGRICOLLEGES international seeks to revolutionise the teaching and training of the Agri-Sciences by providing access to information in a blended learning environment, which combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods and experiential learning through practical sessions,

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