Living with a mental illness

I got diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder when I was 16, and since then I have lost count on the many times I have been referred to as ‘crazy’. There were so many times I would refrain from telling anybody that I am bipolar and would rather say I am stressed because that would make much more sense to them.

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The benefits of social media

In the current job market, information is everything. News spreads quickly, and there are many versions of it. Social media plays a significant role in what your future employer may know about you. Something posted in your high-school hey-day may affect you negatively because these days, everyone knows everything about everyone if they have a social media account on a well-known platform.

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‘Wathint’ Abafazi, Wathint’ Imbokodo’

Do you still believe in change, standing up and fighting for what is right or do you believe that people in government positions are the ones responsible for the “CHANGE”?. I still remember as a child, reading a trending story about a woman being abused or treated differently at a workplace because of their gender and not given an opportunity to prove themselves because “women should stay at home and take care of the children and the house.”

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